What we believe.

We are a member of the Anglican Church of Australia within the reformed evangelical tradition. As such, our belief is founded on having received the Old and New Testaments of the Bible as being the ultimate rule and standard of faith given by inspiration of God and containing all things necessary for salvation.

We hold the Christian Faith as professed by the Church of Jesus Christ through the ages, set out in the creeds known as the Nicene Creed and the Apostles’ Creed. We hold to the doctrine of the Anglican church expressed in the Book of Common Prayer, the 39 Articles and these historic creeds. All of our ministry leaders sign a declaration of belief in this doctrine.

We are committed to obedience to the commands of Christ, teaching His doctrine, sharing in Holy Baptism and Communion and to our structure of leadership through ordination.

Members of our church come from a wide variety of backgrounds, and we value listening and dialogue across many spheres of theology and culture.