Sunday Worship Services

7.30am (6am Easter Day)

Our 7.30am service is a traditional Anglican prayer book service and includes Bible readings, prayers, a talk from the Bible and we share Holy Communion (the Lord’s Supper).

The text of the service is written out to follow on, and what to do is clearly labelled so that it is easy to follow along.

Members of 7.30 usually share brekky at a local cafe after the service.

Our 9am service is a traditional Anglican prayer book service and includes singing of hymns and other sections with organ. We have Bible readings, prayers, a talk from the Bible and share Holy Communion (the Lord’s Supper).

The text of the service is written out to follow on, and what to do is clearly labelled so that it is easy to follow along.

At this service, we have a Sunday school for pre-school to primary, and a Youth Bible study for middle to high schoolers.

Morning tea follows the service, which is a great way to connect with people and continue fellowship.



Night Church is a newly-formed gathering at Christ Church Cathedral, Darwin.

We are Anglican by tradition, contemporary in style, and evangelical (Bible-believing) in outlook.

What to expect

  • Absolutely! Our doors are open to everyone.

  • Feel free to participate in as much or as little as you would like. When we celebrate communion there is no pressure to participate.

  • Our services run for about 75 minutes. You are also welcome to join us for morning tea or supper after the service.

  • We pray, sing together and hear a part of the Bible read and explained (for about 25 minutes). Many people stay to chat over morning tea/supper. At the morning services we have communion every week, and at Night Church once a month as a way of remembering Jesus’ death and resurrection.

  • Visitors are welcome to be our guest and let the offertory bag pass by - although giving to the Lord’s work is part our Christian worship service, most people nowadays give electronically, so you you won’t feel out of place.

  • Absolutely. Church is for people of all ages and stages. Kids of any age are welcome to stay with the adults during the service, and we also have fantastic programs for kids and high schoolers. Kids Church takes place during our 9am service. Someone on the day can direct you.

  • We have ramps up to our front doors and cars can be driven up to the front door if needed. If you need to lie down during the service we recommend bringing a cushion and heading to the front left pews.

    Hearing Service: Our church has a hearing system installed which connects to your mobile phone via wifi and a app. Ask the welcomers when you arrive how to access this