Rod is a Lead Consultant and Trainer with City to City Australia within the Revitalise Australia Program. Prior to taking up this role he served for thirteen years as the Senior Minister of St Stephen’s Greythorn in the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne where his main ministry challenge was regenerating a parish that had an average age of 78 and very few families when he commenced.
Rod has over thirty three years of paid ministry experience and has previously served in the parishes of Christ Church Ormond, St Hilary’s Kew, and St Barnabas Broadway. He has also served in university student ministry on the campuses of the University of Sydney and the University of Technology Sydney, and as Dean of Ridley University College at the University of Melbourne. Rod served as a missionary in association with the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students at the University of Granada in Spain and at the Free University of Brussels in Belgium, and during this time he was a member of Brethren, Presbyterian, and independent expatriate churches.
Rod’s secular work experience includes store management with Woolworths and Management Develop and Corporate Change consulting with Telstra. He has degrees in Economics and Business (ANU), Adult Education and Training (UTS), Professional development (UNE), Professional Supervision (St Mark’s), Spanish language and Culture (Granada), and Theology (Moore and Ridley). Rod has an enduring interest in developing people for Christian ministry, particularly in the areas of leadership, preaching and bible study groups. Together with his wife, Karen, he has written a book on small group bible studies called ‘Leading Better Bible Studies’. He has conducted ministry training workshops around Australia, and in New Zealand, The Netherlands, Spain, Germany, Austria, England, Belgium, Korea, South Africa and Kenya. Rod has been married to Karen since 1988, and they have two young adult children. In his spare time Rod swims for exercise and enjoys family activities, reading, soccer, and holidays at the beach.
Rod will be preaching a sermon called Adopted by God. A sermon exploring what it means to be adopted as God’s sons and daughters.